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8 Expert Tips to Design a Stunning Real Estate Brochure

8 Expert Tips to Design a Stunning Real Estate Brochure

Designing a brochure may seem to be as easy as anything at first sight. However, it can be challenging to create a dazzling brochure that draws attention and is worth keeping. A proper design conveys credibility to your business, educates your audience, and entices it into paying for your products or services. Print marketing materials with the right color and font plus valuable content printed on quality paper are more likely to be kept or passed on to potential customers. Here are some basic, yet highly useful tips to start from scratch. 

read more: Benefits of the printed brochures

What to Consider before Designing a Real Estate Brochure? 

Know Exactly What You Want to Achieve

The very first step in designing any type of print marketing tool is to determine what it is for. What is the purpose of the brochure you’re going to design? To introduce a company? To advertise a product or service? Or to inform the customers of your customer services? The answers will point you in the right direction.

Set some objectives from the very beginning. That way, you can design your real estate brochure in a way that serves its purpose. Think about what you want your customers to do after reading it. Remember that whatever you include in your design is directly conveyed to potential clients. 

Identify the Target Audience

Generally, marketing materials are used for communicating marketing messages with specific audience. It is essential for you to know whom you are designing for, so you can do your best to draw the target audience’s attention to your marketing message. To identify the target audience, you need to focus on your current clients – especially those whom you do the most business with – and find the characteristics they have in common. Average age, gender, social and financial status, and other demographic information can be included in your list.

Try to find out what information your customers need, what problems they may come across when doing business with you, and what your solutions will be. This information can be collected from different sources. Asking your past and current clients or your fellow agents for advice is one of the easiest and most reliable ways.

Understand the Power of Words 


Up to 70% of the efficiency of a brochure depends on its wording. When it comes to marketing, proper or improper wording can make or break your business. Choose every single word or phrase carefully before including it in your final design. When introducing your company, use powerful words to emphasize the reliability and trustworthiness of your brand. Speak directly to your audience – use “you” instead of “I” or “we”.

Real estate brochures are a great medium to inform prospects about the benefits they will get by doing business with you. Use the words creatively to grab readers’ attention but avoid over-exaggeration in your claims. Top of all, be honest with your audience. Avoid offering something you cannot do. Savvy customers easily understand that the truth is quite otherwise.

Come up with a Unique Design 

When it comes to designing a brochure, the first impression counts. The design and layout of your work are as important as its wording. A proper, eye-grabbing design guarantees that your marketing message is noticed and read by prospective customers. To establish your brand and stay ahead of the pack, your marketing materials should be as unique as what you offer.

Uniqueness is the key to standing out above the rest. Come up with a distinguished, impressive design for your branded real estate brochures. To create a killer brochure, it is absolutely essential to embed high-resolution images in the design. Thanks to technology, almost everyone has a smartphone to take mediocre photos. So what’s the point of using awkward, low-definition images that will burst the readers’ bubble? Remember that your clients are smart enough to differentiate between high and poor-quality images.

Choose Appropriate Fonts


Another crucial point to take into consideration in professional design is the use of fonts. The readability of the text and the visual attraction of your marketing tools highly depends on the fonts selected. Though using multiple fonts seems fun and enticing, it may backfire. Don’t you want your brochures to look disorganized, unprofessional, or gimmicky, do you? A typical brochure is usually outlined with a heading, a subheading, and the body of the text. So you don’t need many fonts – three is enough.

Come Straight to the Point 

The information put in a brochure must be stated as clearly, straightforwardly and orderly as possible. Avoid using fuzzy or complicated words in your explanations. Remember why and to whom you are designing. Your marketing materials will be entirely worthless if they fail to communicate your intended message to the target audience. Using big words hinders you from getting connected with potential clients.

Resist the temptation of making a list of a company’s all achievements or putting every single detail about a product or service. After all, it is supposed to be a brochure, not a book. Unnecessary information just makes your work confusing and boring. Instead, focus on those aspects of your business that you believe the target audience is interested in.

Work on Headline 

After graphics and visuals, the headline is the first thing that captures readers’ attention. Word your headline in a way that reveals the whole story to the readers. For example, if you are going to design for advertising a product or service, the headline should convey how it is beneficial for the users. Avoid putting the company’s information in the headline. Though such information is necessary, it should not appear in the headline.

Add a Call to Action 



While deciding on photos, colors, font, headline, company information, and other design elements, think of the most important part of your real estate brochure. That is, a call to action. Use persuasive words to get the readers to take the action you wish. Put a statement that invites the audience to view your listings, visit your website, or make use of the discounts offered. For maximum engagement, put your call to action where it can be immediately spotted by the readers. Using larger fonts or different colors is also a nice idea to highlight your call to action better. 

In conclusion, real estate brochures are powerful marketing materials to advertise the best deal of properties you offer. if you are new to graphic design, pre-designed layouts and templates will help you save your time and energy. AgentPrint provides you with a great number of DIY design templates to create your custom design. 

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2 thoughts to “8 Expert Tips to Design a Stunning Real Estate Brochure”

  1. This is a very good guide that should be referred to before designing a real estate broucher. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good wotk

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